10 Eating Changes You Should Make When You Turn 50


3. Reduce sodium levels

High sodium intake can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension, so you need to keep your sodium levels low throughout the day. Sodium limits are reduced at age 50 from 2,300 mg to 1,500 mg per day.

A good trick? Don’t use a salt shaker when cooking; use fresh herbs instead, which give flavor without the effects of bloating and risk. Rinsing off canned foods also helps reduce sodium levels.

4. Eat foods high in protein

While protein intake is important at any age, the requirements are higher for adults 60 and older, as their muscles need extra boosts to strengthen and recover from activity and cannot use protein to build muscle as effectively as they did at an earlier age.

Even if you’re under 60, protein-rich foods can help you stay satiated, so it doesn’t hurt to get in the habit of eating a little more. Choose lean foods like steak, fish, chicken breast and turkey, and plant-based foods like tofu, lentils and quinoa.

5. Get into cooking.

Make hanging out outside the home an enjoyable pastime and stay home to cook at home most days of the week. By controlling your cooking techniques and recipe ingredients, you can ensure healthy and nutrient-dense meals and avoid the excess sugar, salt and oil that are often part of restaurant meals.

6. Eat foods high in calcium

As we age, bone density decreases, so to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, prevent fractures and injuries, and keep bones strong and stable, it is necessary to consume calcium-rich foods. For women at age 51, the calcium requirement rises from 1,000 mg/day to 1,200. You can also turn to the Mediterranean diet, which can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

It has lots of fish, vegetables, some cheese and grains, and less processed foods high in sugar. Excellent sources of calcium are milk, cheese, Greek yogurt, fortified non-dairy dairy products, eggs, and leafy greens.

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