10 Eating Changes You Should Make When You Turn 50


7. Give up sodas.

Say goodbye to sodas and sugary drinks and say hello to water and unsweetened tea-they keep your body hydrated without drastically reducing sugar. If you need to start slowly, swap one sugary drink for water each day, gradually moving toward giving up sugary drinks altogether. And keep a water bottle handy to fill every hour or so.

8. Eat Rainbows.

Look for bright colors to fill your plate, as this means you are getting lots of foods like vegetables and fruits that are good for your body as you age. Get more greens, oranges, reds, purples and yellows as they contain antioxidants that help fight aging. Think: berries, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, broccoli, bell peppers, melon, eggplant, beets and pumpkin.

9. Eat when you’re hungry.

While you don’t want to eat mindlessly every hour or fill up on large portions for every meal, you should pay attention to your hunger signals and eat when you are hungry. Not only does this nourish your body, but it also helps keep your metabolism up (try these foods that also help speed up your metabolism).

Over time, your metabolism naturally slows down, so when you’re over 50, you burn fewer calories at rest than you did when you were younger. Keep your metabolism going throughout the day by feeding it every three or so hours and snacking when you need to.

10. Eat Whole Foods

In general, try to consume whole foods, fresh or frozen, such as fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, fish and whole grains to maintain optimal health.

To stay comfortable, look for minimally processed whole foods such as canned beans and yogurt. Processed foods are often high in sodium, sugar and extra calories, so their consumption should be minimal.