5 tips to whiten your teeth naturally


Strawberry paste


Source: Pinterest.com

Without a doubt the most delicious trick. Strawberries contain malic acid, a compound that acts as a natural whitening agent and has anti-stain properties.

How to do it? Crush a ripe strawberry and mix it with baking soda until you get a paste. Apply the latter on your teeth and leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse. The acidity of strawberries is attenuated by soda. Brush your teeth half an hour later to eliminate the sugar naturally contained in the fruit.

Sea salt

Sea salt

Source: Pinterest.com

Like baking soda, sea salt is abrasive and helps remove dental stains naturally. Thanks to its high iodine content, sea salt also has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties.

How to do it? Mix coarse sea salt with lukewarm water and dip your toothbrush in it. Brush your teeth 2-3 times a week in this way.

Do you know any other tips?

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.