Best hair care tips from the professionals

Best hair care tips

Best hair care tips

Massage it gently:

Don’t wash your hair harshly. Instead, gently massage your scalp and hair with your fingers in small circular motions, shampooing to prevent excessive tangling and damage.

Apply conditioner only on the ends: a big mistake I made for the longest time was applying conditioner all over my hair from root to tip. However, I’ve since learned that it can create a lot of build-up on the scalp.

So, only apply conditioner from the middle to the ends of your hair and rinse it off after 2 minutes!

Don’t wash your hair every day:

The last and most important tip for washing your hair is don’t. Wash. Hair. Every. Day.

Although you may think that you are very hygienic, and this advice may damage your hair, deprive it of natural oils or make it more prone to breakage and hair loss, but I assure you that is not the case.

Do a moderate interval of 2-3 days.

2. Hair Drying Tips.

You may not know this, but there’s a good chance that you’re unleashing a whole host of hair and scalp problems by simply not drying or styling your hair properly.

So, here are a few things you need to keep in mind when you get out of the shower:


Use a microfiber towel:

Pre-dry your hair with a microfiber towel after you get out of the shower. Avoid using a terry towel, as it can twist your hair too much, increase curl and cause breakage

Avoid blow drying:

It’s no secret that the heat from a blow dryer damages your hair as much as it does your styling tools.

That’s why it’s best to let them dry naturally after applying conditioner. Air drying.

Only use a hair dryer after your hair is partially dry:

If you absolutely can’t stop using a hair dryer, just take note.

Keep your hair from overheating and only blow-dry it when it’s 70% dry.

This will drastically reduce the overall heat damage.


3. Tips for brushing your hair

Yes, there is a little more nuance to brushing your hair than going right at it with a comb/brush of your choice every morning. After all, knots and tangles are a major cause of hair breakage. So, here’s what you need to do:

Use a boar-bristle brush or a wide-toothed comb:

If you use a round brush or metal brush to untangle your hair, then you should stop immediately.

These brushes are designed to be used for hot styling and combing hair.

For everyday use, choose a boar bristle brush and a wide toothed comb to remove knots and tangles from your hair.

Unravel knots? Only from the tips to the roots:

You may not know it, but unraveling your hair from roots to ends can create more knots and end up causing more damage to your hair.

The right way to do this is to start a few inches above the ends and slowly detangle your hair toward the roots.

4. Hair styling tips.

If possible, avoid heat styling:
But of course in the long run, it’s best to stop using heat styling tools – altogether.

I know this is impossible for many of you. So, a good compromise is to limit your heat styling to once or twice a week. After all, applying heat to your hair too often can lead to torn ends and damaged hair.

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